Our Major Activities

As a co-operative union, we give back to our world in projects and services. Below are a few of such services:

Farm Development

Provision of inputs for members such as certified insecticides, pruning equipment, spraying machine, pruned members farms…

Community Development

Provision of CHPS (Community-based Health and Planing Services) in 7 societies within the district…

Environmental Protection

We supply member with economic seedling(trees) which are planted on their cocoa farms to mitigate climate change…

Livelihood Projects


Community Development Projects


CHP Compound


Ghana has been implementing the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) program for 10 years. Considered one of the pragmatic strategies for achieving universal health coverage of a basic package of essential primary health services, CHPS has gained international recognition. Led by a Community Health Officer and supported by volunteers drawn from the area of service, the CHPS strategy is a breakthrough in enhancing community involvement and ownership of primary health care interventions towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC).

West Akyem Cocoa Farmers Union has built CHP Coumpounds in 7 communities.



ICT Centre

Stay In Contact


Asamankese,  Eastern Region. Ghana / West Africa

GhPost GPS: EW- 0000-4355


+233 247 957 500 / +233 242 555 143